The stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. In order to broaden work ideas, learn from the excellent work experience of sister units, and better promote the company's party building work, on the morning of May 18, 2023, Kane Party Secretary Hua Yiming and Kane Company General Manager Liu Chengyue jointly led a team to organize more than ten party committee members to visit, learn, and exchange ideas at Yuanli Group.

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Lin Li, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union of Yuanli Group Company, and Jiang Weifeng, Deputy General Manager of Yuanli Group Company, warmly welcomed the arrival of the Kane Study Group. Accompanied by Deputy Secretary Lin and Deputy General Manager Jiang, the Kane Study Group visited Xinheng Metal Products Company, a subsidiary of Yuanli. Deputy Secretary Lin introduced the relevant overview of Yuanli Company and its Party Committee to everyone. Subsequently, everyone took their seats in the conference room of Xinheng Company and engaged in detailed sharing and exchange around the theme of party building.

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At the sharing meeting, Deputy Secretary Lin introduced that Yuanli's party building work closely revolves around the company's production and operation, with the difficulties and key points in the company's production and operation as the core and breakthrough of party building. A lot of work has been done, and the party committee has deeply promoted accident free activities around party members, held annual activities to improve the quality of all staff, and incorporated safety, environmental protection, occupational health, skill training, etc. into the daily work of party building, It has played a very important role in promoting the overall quality of all employees and safety production management in the company; The company's party committee attaches great importance to the development of various activities, and implements the plan for cultural construction, group building, and trade union construction at the beginning of the year, with monthly activities, forming a rich, active, and positive working atmosphere; In the construction of the party member team, emphasis should be placed on the cultivation, excavation, and absorption of production and operation backbone, so that these backbone members can become the backbone of production, operation, and party building work; In terms of ideological education for party members, in addition to conscientiously carrying out the three meetings and one lesson, theme party day learning and education activities, Yuanli also has a distinctive practice of adhering to the monthly party member report system for many years, requiring each party member to fill out monthly reports covering organizational life, ideological dynamics, contact with the masses, and other related content, which are approved and feedback by their superior party organization. This practice enables the party organization to timely grasp the party member's movements, Enhance the cohesion of party organizations and enable party building work to be more targeted and precise.

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The core elements of Yuanli's party building work are the deep integration of party building and production and operation, and the formation of a normalized mechanism, which has made party building work have strong vitality and become a red productive force. Over the years, Yuanli Company's party committee has explored and implemented the "Five Heart Party Building Work Method" of "Party and Government Unity, Party Committee Unity, Party Building Strength, Party Member Unity, and Party and Mass Warmth" based on the actual situation of the enterprise, which effectively guarantees and promotes the development and growth of the enterprise, continuously improves the comprehensive competitive strength of the enterprise, and achieves a good situation of "strong development and strong party building". The company's party committee has also received many honors, such as National Excellent and Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations and Provincial and Municipal Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations.

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At the meeting, Lin Zhilong, the secretary and manager of the branch of Xinheng Company, supplemented the introduction of some specific practices, effective assessment measures, and characteristic activities of the party branch in implementing the party committee's deployment work. He also presented relevant materials such as the monthly report of party members and the ledger of star rated five type team creation activities, so that the study group had a more intuitive and specific understanding of Yuanli's party building work.

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After the meeting, everyone also visited the factory and production site. The production workshop was clean and orderly, and the floor was as clean as a wash, almost spotless. Outside the workshop, the grass was as green as a garden. This is in stark contrast to the previous impression of a crude and dirty heavy industrial production environment. The entire company presents a beautiful atmosphere of fine management and vitality. In this, there must be the power of party members.

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Kane Party Secretary Hua Yiming stated that this study and visit has enhanced mutual understanding and friendship, and has greatly touched both sides. The Kane Party Committee should bring back these excellent practices and experiences that were established, digest and absorb them, and continuously improve Kane's party building work level. At the same time, we sincerely invite Yuanli Group to visit and exchange ideas with Kane at the appropriate time.

Visiting experience

Yuanli Group is a exemplary organization of Suichang Party building, which is a great company. Through visiting and learning, I deeply feel the pressure, and by absorbing advanced experience and combining it with my own actual situation, Kane is sure to embark on a unique path of party building with Kane's characteristics—— Three branches

It's not easy to do something well, but it's even harder to persist. Through visiting and learning, we can perceive decades of perseverance, which is the silent dedication of every member. Start with simple tasks, do a good job, add another task, and finally persist—— Second branch

Through learning and communication, I have broadened my horizons on the party building activities of private enterprises, and at the same time, I have had a deeper reflection on the party building of branch offices. The construction of the Party mainly includes political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, discipline construction, and institutional construction.

Looking back at the company's party building work, there is no integration between party building activities and daily work. The concept of "serving the people wholeheartedly" has not been formed ideologically. The purpose of doing a good job in party building work is to better serve.

1. Continuously promote the Party's ideology among all Party members and unify their thinking.

2. Implement the Party's policies and guidelines, and use them as a guiding light for the development of enterprises.

3. Integrating party building with enterprise talent cultivation, party organizations promote the mutual transformation between enterprise party members and talents through skills training, job training, organizational guidance, and mentorship pairing, providing a platform for the growth and progress of enterprise party members and talents.

4. Give full play to the progressiveness and prominence of party members and cadres, the "Party member responsibility area", and the exemplary positions of party members, and effectively activate the vitality of employees.

5. Work style construction is an important tool to enhance the combat effectiveness of party members. Drive work style with excellent Party conduct, strengthen the construction of Party integrity and self-discipline, and establish requirements for Party member work style. The construction of corporate integrity is an implicit asset that promotes sustainable development, and private enterprises also need the construction of integrity.

6. The organic combination of corporate culture and party building. Enhance the ideal beliefs, cohesion, and execution ability of enterprise employees.