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In order to solidly promote the learning and education activities of party members, enrich the forms of party member learning, the Kane Party Committee has recently seriously deployed a series of "going out" visit and learning activities. Each branch has actively responded, carefully selected learning themes and routes, and received the most intuitive and concrete education in the most vivid and vivid typical scenes during party classes, firmly adhering to ideals and beliefs, and enhancing the mission and responsibility of party members.

Activity video

On April 7-9, 2023, Kane's Third Party Branch visited Xiadang Village, Chixi Village, and other places in Fujian Province. Following Xi general secretary's footsteps in targeted poverty alleviation, they experienced the tremendous changes that have occurred on this once barren land. The care of the Party, various policies benefiting the people, and the unremitting efforts made for a long time have made today's mountainous areas vibrant, beautiful, and prosperous.

Typical learning

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Chixi Village, the first poverty alleviation village in China

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In Chixi Village, the first poverty alleviation village in China, everyone walks into the village and feels the wide and flat roads, rows of brand new buildings, well-equipped leisure gardens, and e-commerce live streaming platforms. The village is surrounded by green tea gardens, and the quality of life here is no less than that of the city. On the contrary, it is a beautiful environment that combines countryside and modernity. The beauty is refreshing, and poverty and backwardness are completely in the past.

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Liancheng Ancient Castle

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At the Liancheng Ancient Fortress, everyone walked into the "Cold City Uprising" Memorial Hall of the Red Education Base, visited and studied seriously, reminisced about the turbulent years, paid tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, and swore an oath under the party flag, revisiting the oath of joining the party and firmly pursuing their ideals.

Under the Typical Poverty Alleviation Model, Party Villages

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Fundamentally changed

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The focus of this trip is Xiadang Village, which used to be a poverty-stricken village that had to be traversed by hiking trails. Now, with convenient transportation, it can be directly reached by bus.

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Everyone walked into the theme exhibition hall and listened attentively to the heartfelt explanation of the guide. Xi general secretary had gone deep into the party three times, conducted investigations and studies, and formulated and implemented poverty alleviation plans. After decades of unremitting efforts, Xiadang Village finally uprooted poverty and completely transformed its old appearance. This has also become an important breeding ground for Xi general secretary's precise poverty alleviation ideas and a typical model of precise poverty alleviation. The magnificent poverty alleviation campaign in China and the comprehensive well-off road have special significance.

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Nowadays, the village roads are clean and tidy, with various specialty shops and cultural and creative products scattered everywhere. High standard homestays are constantly emerging like mushrooms after rain. The village is adorned with decorative items that can be enjoyed and interacted with. The parking lot is densely packed, making it a unique cultural and tourism resort.

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Everyone browses and listens to the explanation, while earnestly asking questions to the instructor, not missing any knowledge points or learning opportunities.

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In the party flag square in front of the exhibition hall, everyone once again lined up neatly, under the bright red party flag, making solemn vows to revisit the original intention of joining the party.

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This long-distance drive, with in-depth visits and learning from multiple locations, allowed everyone to truly see the tremendous achievements of rural revitalization under the strong leadership of the Party, inspiring a strong sense of patriotism and love for the Party, and also inspiring people to strive forward. Everyone expressed that they should unite more closely around the Party Central Committee, continuously make achievements, and create new achievements in their work field, continuously dedicating their light and heat.