KAN (4)

In the scorching July and mid year, in order to better summarize the work of the first half of the year, make precise efforts, and continue to achieve the work goals of the second half of the year, the KAN Paper Sales Team's mid year work summary meeting and team building activity were grandly held from July 13 to 14, 2021 at the Baima Mountain Forest Park in Suichang. The meeting was attended by all members of the sales team, representatives of agents, and heads of relevant departments such as manufacturing, quality control, and technology of the company. KAN Paper's General Manager Hua Yiming, Deputy General Manager Ying Jianchang, Chief Engineer Chen Wanping and other company leaders also attended the meeting.

The two-day conference activities mainly cover three major sections: sales summary meeting, technical supervisor technical training and exchange, and outdoor mountaineering team building activities. The combination of dynamic and static content is both broad and deep, with solid and full content, rich and interesting.

Performance inventory, monitoring the market, and taking advantage of the trend,

Finding the Best Strategy

KAN (7)

At the meeting on the morning of the 13th, Ying Jianchang, the Deputy General Manager in charge of sales at KAN Paper Industry, gave the opening speech. He first led everyone to focus their attention instantly with rhythmic applause and slogans, entering a state of focus. He said in the report that this year's sales market can be summarized as happiness and troubles. The good news is that the market is booming beyond imagination, and the bad news is the imbalance between production and sales, which poses new challenges to sales work. The performance report for the first half of the year was quite impressive, with sales of electrolytic paper reaching a new high, exceeding sales targets, and slightly lacking in non electric products. In the second half of the year, greater efforts will be made to maintain hospitable relationships. With the completion of the company's new technological renovation project, production capacity will be significantly increased, and sales work needs to be fully prepared for the market and prepared in advance; Actively promote new product promotion work, timely communicate with the company's technical department to study and solve quality issues reported by customers.

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Assistant General Manager Chen Yongjin, Zhao Fan, and Sales Department Director Wang Xinghua, as the heads of each sales department, gave presentations at the meeting, presenting their respective transcripts, reporting on their sales strategies, market trends, customer needs, trend analysis, and competitor situations. They also proposed problems, difficulties, and suggested solutions for their work.

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The agenda for the afternoon is for all sales representatives of electrolytic paper and non electric sales teams to give personal work reports. The report meeting lasted for over 5 hours and was quite intense. Each salesperson has conducted a detailed analysis and research on the key customers in their respective areas, and conducted in-depth analysis of customers in a precise portrait manner to make the most accurate market analysis and personalized services; At the same time, the salesperson also gave a detailed report on the key quality issues reported by customers and jointly discussed solutions with the relevant quality management departments of the company.

KAN (4)

KAN (2)

After carefully listening to the morning and afternoon work reports, Hua Yiming, the general manager of KAN Paper, gave a summary speech and work instructions. He pointed out that in the current context of the impact of the epidemic, it is not easy for the sales team to still achieve such impressive performance. As a company located in a remote small town, KAN has a history of over 80 years, and achieving the current achievements is even more difficult. The sales team is the foundation and bridge of the company's development, and the company regards you as a treasure in its palm, always creating the best conditions to care for you. Although KAN has a long history, he is full of vitality and has a young heart. As a front-line unit, you should have the combat morale to ensure the completion of tasks. Although papermaking is a traditional industry, in the new era, with the arrival of the digital wave, you should have a more forward-looking awareness in your actions and concepts. Our company's vision and goal is to focus on high-precision and cutting-edge products and markets. We aim to have a lofty vision and the ambition to control the world's mid to high end markets. This goal is not unattainable. After years of hard work, we have become the world's largest seller of electrolytic paper. We will continue to strive to become the strongest and most vibrant enterprise in the field of special paper.

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Regarding the electrolytic paper market, Hua Yiming pointed out that the current prominent supply-demand contradiction has a significant impact on customers, and it is necessary to do a good job in maintaining customer relationships. The company's technical renovation project will be completed by the end of the year at the earliest, effectively alleviating the tight supply and demand of high-voltage products. At the same time, the company should do a good job in improving product structure and serialization, and actively promote the launch of high-end new products.

Regarding the sales of non electrolytic paper, Hua Yiming pointed out the need to build a high-quality and responsible sales team, integrate products, integrate teams, strengthen the learning and assessment of salespeople, improve their quality, and achieve survival of the fittest; We need to further strengthen the construction of e-commerce platforms and quickly deploy our products on the platform. Especially during the epidemic, it is necessary to make good use of modern tools and online platforms, change traditional marketing thinking patterns, adapt to the trend of the times, and make more use of platform tools to carry out work.

Technical training and communication to gain a better understanding of one's own products

KAN (1)

Electrolytic paper, as a high-tech specialty paper product, has complex product characteristics. This puts higher demands on electrolytic paper salespeople. In order to help salespeople better understand their products, Zhang Wenchao, the director of the Paper Research Institute of the company, gave a training and exchange activity on technical knowledge related to electrolytic paper to the sales team of electrolytic paper in the afternoon of the 13th. The entire training course is divided into three parts: the development history of our company's electrolytic paper, the production process of electrolytic paper, and the basic knowledge of electrolytic paper. Zhang Wenchao uses illustrated courseware and various vivid metaphors to explain complex, professional, and profound academic knowledge in a simple and concise manner, enabling salespeople to have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the products they sell. During the training, the salesperson also asked questions about the knowledge they didn't understand, and Zhang Wenchao provided answers and exchanges one by one.

KAN (2)

Outdoor expansion, daring to climb peaks, constantly striving towards goals

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KAN (5)

At 6:30 in the morning of the 14th, amidst the mist and clear breeze, everyone was already energetic and ready to set off in front of the hiking trail. The loud counting sound made people feel like they were in a military camp, full of morale. The mountaineering activity establishes a reward and punishment mechanism through group competitions. Everyone chased after each other, laughing and cheering, encouraging each other, and advancing towards the mountaintop together. Walking in the dense forest of the forest park is like a lung washing activity. Everyone enjoyed the forest bath while communicating and enhancing friendship, while striving to climb towards their goals, creating a lively and lively atmosphere.

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KAN (3)

The first athlete to reach the peak, Lian Yongpeng, took only 27 minutes and 04 seconds to run almost the entire distance, demonstrating super strong physical fitness and extraordinary vitality. Hua Yiming, the General Manager of KAN Paper, presented cash red envelopes to the winning team members of each group.

After reaching the summit, everyone checked in and took photos to fully enjoy the refreshing breeze, beautiful scenery, and the first ray of sunrise at the summit, feeling the joy and pride of conquering the mountain.

Infinite scenery on the perilous peak, work together, and enjoy the scenery at the summit. This is the most beautiful soul of the group!

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