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On the morning of June 25, 2021, the assessment and evaluation meeting for Dr. Li Lizi, a postdoctoral research workstation of KAN Corporation, was grandly held in the conference hall of KAN Corporation. Attending the meeting were Professor Hou Qingxi from Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Professor Wang Lijun from Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Professor Tian Junfei from South China University of Technology, Professor level Senior Engineer Chen Wanping from KAN Corporation, and Senior Engineer Li Nanhua from KAN Corporation; Zhang Xu, Deputy Director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Lishui City, Lian Shaofang, Director of the Technical Department of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Lishui City, Liao Chengchuan, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Suichang County Committee, Xu Xiaofeng, Deputy Director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Suichang County, and other leaders of the competent departments of the city and county governments; Hua Yiming, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of KAN Corporation, and other leaders of the enterprise workstation. In addition, postdoctoral workstation construction units such as Yuheng Battery Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Suijin Special Casting Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Limin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. also came to the site for observation and learning.

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Dr. Li Lizi graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Monash University in Australia. In April 2019, Dr. Li Lizi joined KAN Corporation through the "Double Hundred Leading Plan" project in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, becoming the first postdoctoral researcher to enter KAN Corporation's postdoctoral workstation and serving as the company's deputy chief engineer.

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At the meeting, Hua Yiming, Deputy General Manager of KAN Corporation, gave a speech, stating that KAN Corporation has always attached great importance to technological work and maintained a high investment in technology. In recent years, the parent company has invested nearly 50 million yuan in research and development annually, accounting for more than 8% of the company's revenue, far exceeding the industry average. The proportion of high-end products in the company continues to increase, with the leading product electrolytic capacitor paper having a domestic market share of over 70% and a global market share of about 50%. It has become the world's largest production base for electrolytic capacitor paper. In order to further promote the integration of industry, academia, and research, promote the development of new products and the transformation of innovative achievements, and enhance the overall innovation ability of the company, the company spares no effort in attracting high-level scientific research talents. Over the past two years, Dr. Li's postdoctoral workstation has achieved fruitful results in research topics, building exchange platforms for technical talents, and enhancing industry university research cooperation with universities, taking the company's scientific research work to a new level.

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The core agenda of the meeting is Dr. Li Lizi's presentation on the exit of the company's postdoctoral research workstation, which she elaborated on from two aspects: research work and research results. Dr. Li Lizi has been focusing on the application and research and development of special paper since her entry, fully leveraging her talent and scientific research advantages to solve technical problems in enterprises. She has opened up two research directions: the research and development of enhanced paper-based supercapacitor diaphragm materials and high-performance paper-based microfluidic biological detection chips. During her time at the station, she received one general project from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M682709) and one Zhejiang Province Postdoctoral Research Excellence Funding Project (ZJ2020115). In addition, she also undertook multiple KAN Enterprise technology innovation projects, such as "research and production of ultra-high voltage composite electrical insulation paper" and "purification process research to improve pulp insulation performance". Dr. Li Lizi published one SCI paper (Paper Based Analytical Device for High Throughput Monitoring Tetracycline Residence in Milk, Food Chemistry, 2021, 354: 129548-129558, Impact Factor 6.306) and one Chinese core journal paper (Development Status and High Value Application Research Progress of High Yield Pulp, China Paper, Vol. 40, Issue 7, 2021, 30-38) during her tenure, Invited to participate in the compilation of the "Paper based Functional Materials" section of the "Key Technologies of Advanced Chemical Materials Series" organized by Chemical Industry Press. The book has received funding from the National Publishing Fund in 2021 and has been declared a national key book for the 14th Five Year Plan. It is expected to be officially published in December 2021. In terms of patent application and authorization, Dr. Li Lizi has applied for and obtained a total of 5 foreign technology invention patents, 1 Chinese invention technology patent, and 1 PCT international invention patent under writing during her time on site. In terms of standard formulation, Dr. Li Lizi assisted enterprises in applying for one Zhejiang manufacturing group standard (technical standard for Hezhi tape base paper products), which will become China's first technical standard for Hezhi tape base paper products. In terms of building an enterprise innovation platform, Dr. Li Lizi has taken the lead in helping enterprises establish strategic cooperation mechanisms with research institutions such as South China University of Technology, further improving the technology innovation platform on the basis of the existing enterprise research institute; And relying on the enterprise platform, we led the organization to apply for the Zhejiang Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Team Project and the Lishui City Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Team Project.

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After carefully listening to Dr. Li's exit report, the members of the expert group asked questions about the issues of concern, and Dr. Li Lizi gave an on-site defense. The mentors hope that Dr. Li will continue to consolidate scientific research achievements, solidly promote deeper research, continuously tap into scientific research potential, and make greater contributions to the scientific and technological progress of enterprises and the country.

At the end of the meeting, Professor Hou Qingxi from Tianjin University of Science and Technology, the leader of the evaluation team, announced the assessment resolution on behalf of the expert group: it is believed that Dr. Li has exceeded the on-site tasks and achieved fruitful results. After discussion by the evaluation expert group, it was unanimously agreed that Dr. Li should leave the station.

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After leaving the station, Dr. Li Lizi will continue to serve as the Deputy Chief Engineer of KAN Group, becoming the first full-time postdoctoral researcher in Lishui to stay in the company. She will also serve as the director of the company's postdoctoral research workstation, contributing to the construction of a high-level research and development platform and the continuous upgrading of product technology innovation. 

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