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Since its establishment in 2019, KAN Postdoctoral Workstation has been closely focused on the development needs of enterprises in cutting-edge fields, constantly exploring and innovating. Chasing the Blue Ocean of Dreams Technology has achieved one scientific research achievement after another, continuously injecting technological content into KAN products and providing strong technical support for the company's comprehensive entry into the high-end market.

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On September 25th, the 2023 project proposal and midterm report meeting of KAN Postdoctoral Workstation was grandly held in the conference hall of KAN New Materials Company. The report meeting was presided over by Dr. Li Lizi, Chief Expert and Deputy Chief Engineer of KAN New Materials. Dr. You Yanzhi, a newly admitted postdoctoral fellow, gave a project proposal, while Dr. Wei Weiqi, a postdoctoral fellow at the station, gave a mid-term report. The evaluation panel experts attending the report meeting include Professor Shen Jing from Northeast Forestry University, Professor Hu Zhijun from Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor Yang Yonggang from Shanxi University, Senior Advisor Chen Wanping from KAN New Materials, Chief Engineer Li Nanhua from KAN New Materials, Chief Expert and Deputy Chief Engineer Li Lizi.

Liu Chengyue, General Manager of KAN New Materials, Xie Meizhen, Deputy General Manager, Ye Huihua, Deputy Director of Suichang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Chen Hua, Deputy Secretary General of Zhejiang Paper Association, Fu Weilin, Chairman and Office Director of KAN New Materials Union, and other relevant leaders and personnel attended the meeting together.

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Liu Chengyue, the General Manager of KAN New Materials, gave a speech at the meeting. He said that under the leadership of Dr. Li Lizi, the Chief Expert and Deputy Chief Engineer of the company, the KAN Postdoctoral Workstation has carried out vibrant work. The workstation has conducted multiple scientific research around the company's production needs and achieved fruitful scientific research results, which have been quite effective. I hope that in the future, the workstation can better meet the needs of enterprises in front-end scientific research practice, produce more results, and help the company's product line continuously expand and extend, achieving new leaps in product quality.

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The newly recruited postdoctoral fellow You Yanzhi is jointly trained by the company's postdoctoral workstation and the Northeast Forestry University postdoctoral mobile station. Her mentors are Li Lizi, the chief expert and deputy chief engineer of KAN New Materials, and Professor Shen Jing from Northeast Forestry University. At this conference, Dr. You Yanzhi gave an opening speech on the topic of "Research and Application of High Performance Paper based Energy Storage Materials", and gave a detailed report to the attendees on the postdoctoral work plan, research content, research methods, technical route, progress plan, and expected results. The research objective of this project is mainly to explore the impact of extreme temperature environments on the structural, physical, and electrical properties of paper-based capacitor diaphragm materials made from different fibers. The research results will provide theoretical support for the directional selection of electrolytic capacitor diaphragm raw materials and process optimization control, broaden the application scenarios of high-performance paper-based materials such as electrolytic capacitor diaphragms, and break through the bottleneck of high-end product development. This postdoctoral project has been selected for the 2023 Zhejiang Province Postdoctoral Selection Funding Research Project.

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Dr. Wei Weiqi, a postdoctoral fellow at the station, was jointly trained by Zhejiang KAN New Materials Co., Ltd.'s postdoctoral workstation and Shanxi University's postdoctoral mobile station. His mentors were Li Nanhua, the chief engineer of KAN New Materials, and Yang Yonggang, an associate professor at Shanxi University. At this report meeting, Dr. Wei Weiqi gave a midterm report titled "Separation, Modification, and Functionalization Application of Lignin in Alkaline Pulping Black Liquor". He used lignin from KAN New Materials Electronic Fiber Pulping Black Liquor as raw material to separate, modify, and functionalize it. He conducted research on the preparation and adsorption performance of lignin based porous carbon, the construction and photocatalytic performance analysis of lignin carbon/ZnO composite materials, the construction and application of lignin based composite carbon materials in electrode materials, and other related explorations. During the station, his research findings, Boron doping g-C3N4 supported Cu2O for photocatalytic transformation of xylose into lactic acid, were published in the SCI journal Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.

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After the two PhDs reported, the members of the evaluation expert group had sufficient communication and exchange with Dr. You Yanzhi and Dr. Wei Weiqi on their respective concerns, questions, suggestions, etc. Two PhDs defended one by one. The expert group fully recognizes the content of the reports of the two doctors. After discussion and voting by the reviewing experts, the proposal and mid-term report assessment of Dr. You Yanzhi and Dr. Wei Weiqi were unanimously approved.

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KAN (2)

Since its establishment in 2019, KAN Postdoctoral Workstation has been closely focused on the development needs of enterprises, continuously exploring and innovating in cutting-edge fields, and achieving one scientific research result after another. In October 2022, it was awarded the title of "Excellent Postdoctoral Workstation in Lishui City". At the same time, actively carrying out industry university research cooperation with domestic professional universities, continuously expanding the company's scientific research platform strength from point to surface. Among them, the "Precise Determination of Water Soluble Chloride Content in Electrical Paper" project in collaboration with Professor Tian Junfei from South China University of Technology was awarded as an excellent "Double Hundred Leading Plan" project in Lishui City. The "High Value Utilization of Hemp Pulping Black Liquor" project, in collaboration with Dr. Liu Zhulan from Nanjing Forestry University, uses lignin and sugars in black liquor as raw materials to prepare high-value products, helping the company reduce carbon emissions and achieve efficient resource recovery and utilization.

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Technological innovation is the core strategy of KAN's continuous development. In the future, KAN's postdoctoral workstation will be guided by the research and development of cutting-edge products, continuously improving the basic theoretical research system of product research and development, strengthening interdisciplinary integration and innovation, enhancing independent innovation and research capabilities, and providing strong technical support and guarantee for the company's comprehensive entry into the cutting-edge market.