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At the beginning of the new year, spring returns to the earth. On February 4th, KAN New Materials Company held a grand annual meeting and award ceremony in the banquet hall of KAN Hotel, taking stock of the past and envisioning the future. More than 160 middle and senior management, technical backbone, and team leaders of the company participated in the event.

For more excitement, please watch the activity video

Looking Back and Looking Forward

The general manager of the company, Liu Chengyue, presented the annual work report at the meeting, in which he reviewed the major events of the company in 2022.

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This year, the company's KY01 paper machine was successfully put into operation and a start-up ceremony was held. The project effectively solved the bottleneck of insufficient production capacity of the company's electrolytic capacitor diaphragm and significantly improved the quality of the company's high-voltage products; Due to changes in the international situation, the company's products have been in short supply in 2022. The company made a decisive decision to invest in the construction of a new production line. The project officially started in November 2022 and is expected to start production in mid year; After the completion of the company's 4000 ton electronic fiber project, adjustments were made while production was carried out. By the end of last year, it had basically met the design requirements and formed stable production. This project has completely solved the production capacity and quality problems of hemp raw materials, laying a solid foundation for producing high-quality electrolytic paper; Over the past year, under the impact of the epidemic, all employees of the company have worked together to ensure the smooth operation of production; The company's provincial-level project "26 County Green Technology Application Project - Key Technologies and Industrialization Application Demonstration of Green Tea Bag Manufacturing" has successfully passed the acceptance inspection; The company's high-performance paper-based new material intelligent factory project has passed the acceptance of the provincial expert group. Wait, the company has numerous highlights and is steadily moving forward. Although the main revenue for the whole year of 2022 has decreased to a certain extent compared to the previous year, it is still not easy and commendable in the overall market downturn.

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Looking ahead to 2023, Liu Chengyue proposed a series of key words such as implementing systems, strengthening management, expanding production capacity, seizing the market, benchmarking quality, and competing for high-end products. He pointed out that system management should be the starting point, strengthening system promotion, further standardizing work procedures, promoting management improvement, ensuring the effective implementation of various management systems of the company, promoting the standardized, institutionalized, and scientific operation of the company, and laying a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the company; Fully implement performance appraisal management, further motivate employees to take on responsibilities, effectively improve work execution and efficiency; Accelerate the progress of project construction, especially the construction of the new filter paper production line project, to ensure that the project completes equipment installation and single machine debugging as planned, strive to put into normal production as soon as possible, and form a batch supply; By improving the speed of the paper machine and increasing the yield of finished products, various measures are taken to further enhance the production efficiency and capacity of the products; Accelerate the development of new products and meet customer demands for new products as soon as possible. Deeply improving the quality of existing products and effectively doing a good job in stabilizing and improving quality. On the one hand, it is to accelerate the progress of technical renovation projects, drive the improvement of the quality level of existing products through equipment improvement. On the other hand, it is to strengthen quality management, continuously improve production processes, and ensure that product quality is steadily improving; Strengthen customer technical services, actively promote technical strategic cooperation with core customers, focus on technical or quality issues that customers are concerned about, strengthen technical communication, accelerate the progress of new product trials, and form bulk supply as soon as possible. In 2023, the company strives to achieve new growth in sales revenue.

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Planning and deployment

In response to the strategic development direction and overall goals proposed by General Manager Liu Chengyue, Deputy General Manager and Marketing Director Ying Jianchang, Deputy General Manager and Financial Director Xie Meizhen, and Chief Engineer Li Nanhua respectively provided detailed introductions on the planning and deployment of their responsibilities in marketing, finance and digital factory projects, product research and development, and other work in 2023.

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The sales, production, quality, project and other business departments of the company held a target signing ceremony and made a solemn oath at the meeting. Resolute and confident words resounded throughout the entire venue, inspiring and inspiring people to move forward!

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2023 ︳Sales Challenge

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2023 ︳Production Challenge

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2023 ︳Equipment Challenge

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2023 ︳Quality Challenge

Hard core attack  advance irresistibly

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Win 2023

Award ceremony

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At the meeting, a grand award ceremony was also held. Commending and rewarding outstanding teams and exemplary models that have emerged in the company's work in 2022.

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Team of the Year_ Papermaking Department Four

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Team of the Year_ Sales Department Three

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Annual Best Safety Award_ Paper making department 2 18 # machine

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Best Contribution Award - Xie Peixin

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Best Contribution Award - Chen Xiaoming

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Best Sales Award - Yu Hongming and Lian Yongpeng

Ye Rongjun from the Electronic Fiber Department, Chai Rongjun from the Cutting Group 2, Tang Weizong from the Paper Processing Department, Shangguan Junhua from the Equipment Department, Xie Wei from the Paper Making Department 1, Liu Zhenhua from the Energy Department, Huang Kaiqing from the Quality Control Department, Kong Yuling from the Research Institute, and Ye Xianlin from the Paper Making Department 3 were awarded the Outstanding Employee Award of the Year.

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Annual Excellent Employee

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Skilled Talent Award - Zheng Jianbo

It is precisely because of their hard work, dedication, continuous progress, and hard work in various fields that our grand cause can be realized and turned from a blueprint into a reality. They deserve our learning, respect, and gratitude! They are all the most beautiful KAN people!

Looking back on the journey, we once again see the firm footsteps of the KAN people along the way. It is precisely because the team has united and fought together that KAN has withstood the baptism of wind and rain time and time again. With breakthroughs in various fields, taking stock and thinking, we can clarify our thoughts and see the direction of progress more clearly. In 2023, a new grand blueprint has been drawn, and new goals are ahead. Let us work together and move forward, Break through yourself and head towards our next starry sea!

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