KAN (4)

In the golden autumn season, KAN's digital factory project has also achieved fruitful results, ushering in a harvest season. On October 17th, the effectiveness acceptance meeting of KAN Company's high-performance paper-based new material intelligent factory project, which was included in the "2022 Production and Manufacturing Mode Transformation Demonstration Project Plan Implementation List (Digital and High end Direction)" in Zhejiang Province, was held in the company's conference hall. Relevant leaders and acceptance expert groups from the County Economic and Commercial Bureau, County Finance Bureau, and KAN Digital Chemical Factory project team members jointly attended the meeting.

Although KAN's paper industry is a traditional industry, the company has always focused on technological innovation and cutting-edge technology applications, and has embarked on an unusual path of high-tech special paper development. It has become the world's largest production base for electrolytic capacitor paper, and the company's information technology and production automation work has always been at the forefront of the industry and region. In recent years, with the empowerment of digital technology, the industrial internet wave has emerged to help traditional manufacturing transform and upgrade to intelligent manufacturing, injecting new momentum into enterprise development through new development models. KAN Company has decisively taken the initiative, taken the lead, seized this opportunity, and focused on the construction of digital factory system projects, becoming one of the first batch of contracted enterprises in the three-year campaign of intelligent manufacturing in Suichang County.

KAN (1)

In December 2021, the first phase of KAN Digital Chemical Plant project was completed and successfully passed the project acceptance. The new intelligent system is leading the development of the enterprise, adding new fuel to improve quality and efficiency, and helping the enterprise enter the fast lane of innovative development. In March 2022, KAN's high-performance paper-based new material intelligent factory project was also successfully selected for the "2022 Production and Manufacturing Mode Transformation Demonstration Project Plan Implementation List" jointly released by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance, and received strong support from provincial special subsidy funds for the project.

KAN (1)

With the help of policy dividends, KAN took advantage of the situation and continuously increased investment in intelligent projects. The company's production capacity efficiency and per capita productivity have been significantly improved, and the product appearance defect rate has decreased by 25.89%. The newly built international e-commerce platform of the company has greatly expanded the international market of its products. The highlights of intelligent project construction are numerous, and the results are significant.

KAN (2)

At this acceptance meeting, the expert group carefully listened to the company's project situation and effectiveness report, and carefully checked various relevant proof materials such as audit reports. At the same time, they conducted on-site inspections of the operation of the system equipment on the production site. Finally, the members of the expert group unanimously agreed that the project acceptance was passed.

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Xie Meizhen, the overall manager and CFO of KAN Intelligent Factory project, stated at the meeting that the intelligent factory project system is huge and complex. The company has currently integrated the process and completed the framework construction, and needs to continuously improve and strengthen it to maximize the value of the system. The company will continue to summarize experience, strengthen communication, learning and sharing with other successful projects, and timely launch the construction of the second phase of the company's digital factory project.

KAN (3)