On September 29th, Hu Gang, Secretary of the Suichang County Committee of the Communist Party of China, visited Zhejiang KAN New Materials Co., Ltd. for research and guidance.

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Secretary Hu inquired in detail about the company's operations since the beginning of this year. KAN New Materials General Manager Liu Chengyue reported on behalf of the company on the company's recent business development, difficulties faced, and next development plans. General Manager Liu thanked Suichang County Party Committee and the county government for their constant care and support. Although the company has been faced with the impact of many adverse factors such as soaring energy prices, the COVID-19, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and orderly electricity use since this year, the company's operation has still maintained a relatively stable development. After the second plenary session of the 16th County Party Committee was held, the company immediately held a mobilization conference with the theme of "fighting for 90 days and striving for the overall goal of the year!", Require all departments of the company to sprint and fight for 90 days, with extraordinary determination and strength to cope with unexpected difficulties, and strive to achieve the overall goal for the year.

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Secretary Hu Gang affirmed the work of the company in all aspects and stated that at the just held Second Plenary Session of the 16th County Committee, the Decision of the Communist Party of China Suichang County Committee on Deepening the First Strategy of Industrial Strong County and Promoting the Development of Ecological Industry was approved. This is the first time that the County Committee has deployed and promoted the strategy of industrial strong county in the form of the Decision, This fully demonstrates the county party committee and government's unwavering commitment to the ecological industrial social strategy. Secretary Hu also emphasized that the county party committee and government will continue to provide good services to enterprises in policy support, public services, energy utilization space, and other aspects. At the same time, he also hopes that the management team of KAN New Materials will lead all employees to focus on their main business on the basis of existing achievements, further increase investment in technological transformation and technology, and enable KAN to truly embark on a stable and rapid development path.