Service sinking to the front line

The production line is the foundation on which a company relies for survival and development. In order to promote the healthy operation of the grassroots front line, more empowerment is given to the front line, making management more precise and refined. This year, KAN New Materials vigorously promotes the sinking of department management departments to the front line and serves frontline work.

At the same time, with the continuous promotion of the company's digital factory project, the production and operation management mode of the company is constantly undergoing profound changes. In the new era, as the core management department of the company, the business content and working methods of the finance department have also undergone significant changes.

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Deep integration of business and finance

The era of intelligence is right in front of us, and the times are changing. The transformation of financial accountants has become an inevitable trend in the development of the times. Financial work has also shifted from confirmation, measurement, recording, and reporting based finance to the needs of management accounting. In the future, the greater development direction of financial personnel is management finance. Financial BP is an innovative form of financial organizational model, one of the models of financial transformation, and also an emerging financial position under the new model. Business Partner (BP), also known as Business Partner, is a key link between finance and business departments. It is important to understand both finance and business, and be adept at integrating finance and business. It involves integrating finance and business roles within the company, integrating financial insights into business activities, gaining a deep understanding of business models, tracking business dynamics, and actively promoting the flow of information in business finance to become a finance professional who understands business.

In order to better leverage the management functions of the company's finance department in the new situation and promote deep integration of business and finance, the company has recently organized the finance department to carry out multiple action measures, sinking to the front line, actively serving the front line, and striving to achieve departmental functional transformation.

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Recently, the company convened a special meeting for all personnel in the finance department to provide targeted business training. During the meeting, the deputy director of production, Hua Xiaoping, explained in detail the entire process of the company's production and manufacturing, the working principles of various parts of the paper machine, the usage scenarios and functions of relevant paper preparations, the performance indicators and characteristics of the company's products, and divided the machines into machines. He comprehensively introduced the model, structural characteristics, types and varieties of production products of each machine in the company. Enable financial personnel to have a more intuitive and concrete understanding of production processes, equipment, raw materials, etc; Chen Xiaoming, Director of the Office of the Digital Factory of the company, briefly introduced the functions of CRM, U9ERP, MRP, MES, WMS, OA, management cockpit and other systems, the logical relationships between the systems, as well as the key functional points that need to be focused on. These explanations have given financial personnel a deeper understanding of the new digital management system.

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In addition to completing their job responsibilities, all staff members of the finance department will systematically group and go deep into the front line, connect with each production department, learn and understand the production process on site, understand the business content behind the data, use line side inventory as a starting point, quickly enter the role, understand and guide frontline financial accounting, and assist in solving difficulties and pain points in the use of digital systems at the grassroots level, promoting the smooth implementation of the company's digital system. These tasks have broken the boundary between department personnel and frontline departments, enabling better integration of management and frontline operations. Financial personnel will continuously empower the company's management and development through regular learning, service, and communication on the frontline.

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In the new era, financial professionals are no longer the iron rice bowl bookkeeper of the past, but rather participate in various aspects of business development in advance and during the process, understand various modules of financial work, build bridges, and use financial expertise to help business departments solve problems. Acting as a business partner, providing advice, from product feasibility analysis, to contract signing and review, to later payment, there should be financial presence at all times. Helping businesses make business predictions and analyze issues in business processes will become the norm.

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In the current era of rapid development of informatization and intelligence, many job positions in companies will face changes and adjustments. What we can do is to embrace the times, transform quickly, and rediscover our positioning and value. Keep pace with the company's needs and development, and work together towards a better future.