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In March, the grass grows and the birds fly, and the earth is full of vitality. In the most beautiful spring, the goddesses also welcome their own festival. In order to enable female employees of the company to have a happy, rich, and meaningful holiday, KAN held a series of health and aesthetic classroom activities on March 8th with the theme of "caring for women's health, enhancing charm, and jointly building a beautiful KAN home". The content covers three major parts: health lectures, skin management and beauty classes, and flower art classes, allowing goddesses to meet beauty from the inside out. Nearly a hundred female employees participated in this event.

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Caring for health and solidifying the foundation of beauty

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On the afternoon of March 8th, Fang Hao, the director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Suichang County People's Hospital, was invited to give a special public lecture on "Caring for Women's Health". Dr. Fang taught everyone about the characteristics, symptoms, and various factors affecting women's endocrine system throughout their entire life cycle, and pointed out the correct path and methods to improve health. During the lecture, Dr. Fang analyzed and explained the practical health knowledge in a relaxed and lively atmosphere by combining fresh cases around him with professional knowledge, which was easy to understand and vivid. He gained a lot from the experience. At the end of the class, an on-site consultation interactive session was also set up, where everyone actively asked questions about health issues of concern. Dr. Fang patiently answered each question one by one.

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Dancing with flowers, adding a touch of color to life

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Women and flowers always have a natural attraction. The flower art class has invited industry veterans, Teacher Xiaozhi, to teach. Teacher Xiaozhi leads everyone to start teaching from understanding flower materials. Violet, Fountain Grass, Raspberry, Fireworks Orchid, Audrey Blossom, Juliet, and Mini Fulang, all follow beautiful and romantic names, immersing everyone in the world of flowers. Teacher Xiaozhi explained in detail the process of flower arrangement, the aesthetics of flower arrangement, the principles and techniques of organizing flowers, and taught everyone to complete the flower basket arrangement process hand in hand. Finally, Teacher Xiaozhi also provided feedback and guidance on each student's completed works. Goddesses can't put down their handmade flower arrangements, and their mood is as bright as flowers.

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Exquisite makeup is the beautiful magic of every woman

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No woman will reject beauty. Skin is the most beautiful piece of clothing for women, and makeup is nothing but a magical beauty magic that can bring confidence and aura to women. The company has specially invited Professor Shangguan Zuwei, an expert in skin management and beauty industry, to give a themed lecture on "Beauty carries more weight and value". In the skin management section, Teacher Zuwei focused on analyzing and explaining the common problems faced by the skin, various causes of early aging, and the secrets to creating a balanced beauty for the skin; In the makeup part, Mr. Zu Wei explained the makeup steps, skills and techniques of exquisite makeup in detail, shared the steps and essentials of eight minute Kwai makeup, and provided suggestions for everyone to purchase lipstick. At the end of the course, Teacher Zu Wei provided feedback and guidance to the women who applied makeup that day. She used professional equipment to conduct skin testing and analysis for everyone, and proposed improvement suggestions.

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After the completion of all courses, everyone returned with carefully prepared gifts from the company and their completed works.

Not a single one can be missing, delivering care to every corner

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On the day of the holiday, some female employees who were sticking to their work positions were unable to participate in the event. To make up for everyone's regret and make every female employee feel the festive atmosphere of the holiday, the company specially prepared gifts and flowers. Led by the union chairman, they went deep into the front line of the workshop and sent love and blessings to every female employee's side. Faced with the sudden bombing of happiness, the working female employees broke through their defenses in an instant, Emotion and joy are indescribable.

Women have become an indispensable "half of the sky" on various fronts, and their growth and status are related to the harmony and progress of the entire society. KAN's series of activities with beauty as the theme has brought more energy to the goddesses, and I believe that they will become more and more beautiful tomorrow!

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