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On the morning of September 21st, amidst the autumn rain, a blood collection vehicle drove into Zhejiang Kane Special Materials Co., Ltd. Under the organization of the company, more than 70 employees signed up to participate in a voluntary blood donation activity, and finally collected 12600 milliliters of blood.

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Welcoming National Day and Fighting the Epidemic

I contribute my passion and blood to the motherland

At the blood donation event, the employees of Kane Special Materials Co., Ltd. who came to donate blood lined up in a long queue. Everyone was enthusiastic, filling out forms, conducting physical examinations, measuring blood pressure, inputting information, and donating blood. The entire blood collection site was in good order. Among these blood donating employees, there are both frontline workshop workers and corporate management, with warm smiles on their faces.

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Xia Chunhui is a paper machine operator in the First Division of Kane Special Materials Co., Ltd. This is his 11th voluntary blood donation, with a total blood donation of nearly 3000 milliliters. "Previously, the company had organized blood donation activities, and I actively participated every time. This time, the company organized blood donation activities, and I immediately registered." Xia Chunhui told reporters that blood donation is a very meaningful public welfare cause, and he hopes to contribute to society through blood donation and contribute his humble efforts to epidemic prevention and control.

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"Organizing this blood donation event is not only a tribute to National Day, but also a response to the national call to contribute to epidemic prevention and control." Fu Weilin, Director of the Office of Zhejiang Kane Special Materials Co., Ltd., introduced that during the fight against the epidemic at the beginning of the year, more than 40 people from the company have participated in the blood donation activity. The party, government, and labor groups have once again launched a comprehensive campaign, and more than 70 people have signed up to participate in blood donation, "In the future, Cairn Materials will continue to devote itself to social welfare undertakings, actively assume social responsibility, and become a responsible and responsible enterprise."